Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Food for health

Nature, when left alone, provides man with all the plants they need to heal and keep healthy. A few of the commonly known plants are listed and described below.

Fruits and Vegetables

Avocados are full of healthy fats in addition to vitamins E, B6 and A.

Carrots are a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, including thiamin, niacin, folate, manganese, potassium, and vitamins B6, C, and K and A.

Garlic, onions, and leeks protect the body from free radicals. They reduce high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. They are a decongestant, antiseptic and a natural antibiotic.

Lemons are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. It stimulates the body's natural defenses and stops bleeding. It is bactericidal, and an astringent, contracting the tissues or canals of the body, thereby diminishing discharges of mucus or blood.

Oranges are a source of antioxidants, calcium, phosphorous, magne- sium, and fiber.

Sprouts, seedlings of herbs and vegetables have more nutrients than their full-grown counterparts. They are a source of vitamins A, C, K, and folate.

Mushrooms are a good source of fiber and vitamin C as well as antioxidants and cancer-fighting compounds. If they are placed in sunlight before they are picked, they provide an excellent source of vitamin D.

Iceberg, spinach, romaine, red leaf, and arugula are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and also contain folate and iron.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which have antioxidant and antiinflamator properties and prevent coronary heart disease.

Aloe Vera is a mild astringent that shrinks or constricts body tissues. It soothes burnt or sore skin. It helps gastric problems when taken internally.

Blueberries neutralize free radicals. They contain high levels of anthocyanins which have a beneficial effect on the structure of the cells and tissues in our skin, joints and veins. They protect against heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Kale, spinach and broccoli protect against oxidative damage. They contain Lutein which works by wiping out free radicals produced as a result of UV exposure. They protect the retina from macular degeneration which causes blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field and is the leading cause of blindness.


Chives are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and phytochemicals which have antioxidant-like benefits.

Cilantro, the young leaves of coriander, have high concentrations of vitamin A that protects against heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Ginger calms nausea and motion sickness and reduces inflammation. It eases sore muscles, alleviates symptoms of arthritis – the swelling of the joints and it slows the growth of cancer cells.

Mint aids digestion and sooths hangovers. It is antispasmodic, a stimu- lant, a decongestant and is mildly antiseptic.

Rosemarie is rich in carnosic acid, an antioxidant that helps limit weight gain and improve cholesterol levels. It is a stimulant, an analgesic, relieving pain, a disinfectant, and promotes hair growth.

Thyme is a remedy for respiratory problems such as bronchitis and it also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Lavender is soothing and helps you fall asleep. It contains antioxidants known as polyphenols that fight belly bloating. It is an analgesic, an anti-depressant, an antiseptic, an insecticidal, and a sedative, causing anesthetic effects that numb sensations.

Basil calms nerves and is a good source of fiber and has a detoxifying effect on the liver. Basil oil helps clear skin blemishes, thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory activity. It is an expectorant, promoting the discharge of phlegm or other fluid from the respiratory tract. It is a laxative and a sedative for gastric spasms.

Parsley is rich in nutrients containing vitamins A and C. Just one table- spoon offers more than half the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, a nutrient that is essential for healthy blood.

Sage has antiseptic and antioxidant properties, which helps in the fight against early aging. It is a remedy for anxiety and fatigue and is a memory enhancer.

Dill is a great source of antioxidants such as beta-carotene and also cures hiccups.

Calendula is anti-inflammatory and has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties.

Chamomile is a sedative high in calcium and magnesium. It is soothing, calming, and an anti-depressant. It is analgesic, relieving pain. It is an internal disinfectant and a diuretic, increasing the volume of the urine excreted. It prevents and heals ulcers. It is helpful for treating muscle tension, headaches, bellyaches, flatulence, colic, insomnia, and achiness due to colds and flu. Chamomile's anti-inflammatory proper- ties also aid in the treatment of sore throats, hemorrhoids, sore eyes, acne, wounds, ulcers, and conjunctivitis, the inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the exposed portion of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids.

Anise is an antiviral and decongestant, ideal for cough and colds. It contributes greatly to male libido or sexual drive, improves appetite, treats cramps, nausea and gas pains.

Cayenne Pepper relieves symptoms of asthma, colds, flu and other respiratory ailments. It has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and other heart ailments. It treats shingles caused by the herpes virus and relieves depression and arthritis.

Celery contains high amount of sodium but at the same time, it is a very strong diuretic increasing the volume of the urine excreted. Thus it shouldn't be eaten by individuals with kidney problems. It treats count- less ailments like: angina which are painful spasms of the throat characterized by sensations of choking, amenorrhea which is abnormal absence of menstruation, cardiac arrhythmia which is any abnormality in the rate, regularity, or sequence of cardiac activation, and gout which is painful inflammation of the joints. It also treats dizziness, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, gas pains, skin problems and lack of appetite.

Dandelion is a very good source of lecithin and choline which are both great for enhancing memory. It is a great antioxidant and treats simple ailments like fever, diarrhea, constipation, gout and complex illnesses like liver disorders and rheumatism which are disorders of the extremities or back, characterized by pain and stiffness.

Oregano treats respiratory ailments especially cough and colds. It is very effective in treating insomnia and has a calming effect. It also contains a lot of antioxidant properties.

Saffron lowers blood pressure. It contains crocetin which is very good to treat amenorrhea the absence of menstruation. It treats insomnia, cough, gas and colic which is pain in the abdomen and bowels.

Turmeric is a very strong antioxidant and is used for individuals with obesity, cancer, and atherosclerosis a common form of arteriosclerosis in which fatty substances form a deposit of plaque on the inner lining of arterial walls. It treats a wide range of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, liver diseases, inflammation and other types of arthritic diseases characterized by chronic inflammation of joints. It is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents ever discovered.

Motherwort tones the uterus, brings on delayed menstruation, lessens afterbirth and menstrual pain, soothes the storms of menopause, and helps maintain emotional balance. Motherwort is a useful herb for the circulatory system; it strengthens and normalizes the heart, reduces palpitations, and lowers blood pressure.

Stinging nettles, eaten like spinach, treats bladder stones, sinusitis, hyper and hypothyroidism, fever, bronchitis, infections, and eczema.

Echinacea supports the immune system. As such, it is widely used for any type of infection. A tincture is used for infections of the mouth, such as gingivitis the inflammation of the gums, canker sores, tooth- aches, tonsillitis, and sore throats. It treats internal infections as wide ranging as urinary tract infections, herpes, influenza, respiratory infections, snake or spider bites, and swollen lymph glands. A lotion is used for sores, cuts, acne, hemorrhoids, and psoriasis.

Elder has a wide range of medicinal uses and the bark, flowers, berries, and leaves can all be used. The bark is a purgative causing evacuation of the bowels, an emetic causing vomiting, and a diuretic in- creasing the volume of the urine excreted. The leaves act in the same way as the bark but they can also be used externally to heal wounds and to soothe dry or irritated skin. The berries and flowers treat colds, the flu, respiratory infections, congestion, and fevers.

Ginseng helps the body deal with stress. It restores flagging energy, promotes optimal health, and helps one feel more alert and capable. It reduces high blood pressure, elevates low blood pressure and height- ens sensitivity while lowering feelings of anxiety.

Licorice is an effective support for the endocrine system of hormone secreting glands which is under constant assault from the stresses of the modern lifestyles. The adrenals to produce too much adrenaline, and the ovaries or testes receive too much estrogen from our environment, and the pancreas has to deal with too much sugar from the mod- ern diet. Licorice helps the endocrine system regain balance and this, in turn, helps the body regain harmony.

Green tea, made from unfermented leaves and black tea, made from the fermented leaves, are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. They help prevent or fight certain cancers, allergies, gum diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. They help weight control by boosting the body’s fat-burning capacity.

Rosehips relieve pain from inflammation. They have high concentra- tion of many minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They are extremely high in vitamin C and the antioxidants Lycopene, Lutein and Zeaxan- thin. Vitamin C strengthens the immunity system and Lycopene pro- motes bone health and prevents osteoporosis a disorder in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture, ow- ing to loss of calcium and other minerals. Lutein and Zeaxanthin protect the eyes against age related macular degeneration ,the degeneration of the central portion of the retina, resulting in a loss of sharp vision. It lowers the risk of cataract development.

Stevia is a small, sweet-leaf perennial herb belonging to the Asteraceae family, in the genus Stevia. Stevia extract has been in use by native South Americans for over 1500 years to treat wound infections, inflammatory conditions, swelling in the legs and as a tonic to treat depression. Stevia offers many health benefits. It has a negligible effect on blood glucose, which makes stevia attractive to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets. Being a non-carbohydrate sweetener, stevia does not favor the growth of Streptococcus bacteria in the mouth, the main cause of dental caries and its more advanced form - tooth cavities. It helps reduce blood sugar levels and helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Stevia extracts, called rebaudioside-A or Ruby-A is the active compound found inside the leaf. It is a white crystalline powder 300 times sweeter than cane sugar and is very low in calories. Stevia contains many vitals minerals and vitamins and has many antioxidant compounds like triterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins. It attacks the root cause of virtually every non-communicable disease on Earth. Fresh leaves, sun-dried, can be used directly in drinks as a sweetener One teaspoonful of dried leaves powder is equivalent to one cup of sugar. Stevia extracts and derivatives are found under various names such as Rebiana, Truvia, PureVia, Enliten, and Erylite Stevia.

Cannabis has been used for many thousands of years for its medicinal benefits for ailments like nausea, insomnia, glaucoma, asthma and pain. The oil from the seeds is of high nutritional value because of its 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids, which matches the balance required by the human body. Cannabis is a hardy plant harvested for its hardy fibers for weaving quality fabrics and ropes. When the manufacture of synthetic fabrics and ropes became technically available and the manufacture of synthetic medicines became profitable, the plant suddenly became an unwanted weed. Because cannabis easily grows everywhere, the processing is possible by everyone without sophisticated equipment, and the plant's female flower called Marijuana has so many medicinal uses that are treated by patented drugs manufactured by the pharma industry, the plant lost all of its interest as a profit producing crop and was outlawed.

Sprouts and microgreens

Whether nuts, beans, grains, or seeds from fruits, all seeds sprout when the environment is right and grow into mature seed producing plants. Soaking the seeds and putting them into a jar so that they can be regularly rinsed and kept moist provides the ideal environment for sprouting seeds. The first stages of growth are critical for survival and it is this reason that seeds and their sprouts have a relatively much higher concentration of nutrients than the mature plants they eventually become. Seeds are like filled warehouses waiting to be used to fabricate an entire seed producing plant using just water and air from its environment. Seeds can lay dormant without water light or air for thou- sands of years waiting for water to wake them up and start their lives of fabrication and growth. Just like the chemistry of pregnant animals are enhanced to produce substances for their embryos and babies to increase their immunology and growth, sprouting seeds are enhanced for increased absorption of their minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes and essential amino acids and fats. The enzymes allow your body to extract higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from other foods you eat in conjunction with the sprouts as well. This enhancement is especially noticeable for the B-group vitamins. The minerals are bound to proteins making them more readily available and usable in your body.

Once the sprouts start to grow roots, they can be eaten. Alternatively unsoaked seeds can be evenly sprinkled on a shallow tray of water soaked earth and allowed to anchor and grow into the miniature plants called microgreens that are watered regularly. Microgreens have 4-6 times the nutrients than the mature leaves of the same plant. They also provide chlorophyll, a powerful blood cleanser and blood builder. Chlorophyll replenishes and increases red blood cell count and increases the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen and deliver increased levels of oxygen. Water plants like watercress that prefer soaked soil are allowed to form roots and are transplanted in a jar filled with mineral water and small pebbles.

Some seeds like flax, chia and watercress produce a mucilaginous gel- like mass of sprouting seeds that can be mixed and eaten with other foods or alternatively planted to grow into microgreens. Flax and chia seeds are so rich in omega-3 fatty acids; they should be either ground to a powder or soaked and eaten as sprouts instead of allowed to grow into microgreens.

Although all seeds can be sprouted and grown into microgreens, some seeds are easier to sprout, have a higher yield, taste better and have more nutrients than other seeds. There are many ways to sprout seeds, from soaking them overnight and rinsing them daily in glass jars, to planting them in a layer of soaked earth in a shallow tray and allowing them to grow into microgreens. Below are a few of the most popular plants to sprout and or grow into microgreens.

Alfalfa sprouts

Because alfalfa microgreens have short stems and are thus difficult to cut, it is better to sprout them in a jar. Alfalfa is high in protein, calcium and other minerals, and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, and K. 100g of alfalfa sprouts provides about 10% of an adult's daily requirements for Vit B1, B2, B5, B9, C. about 30% for Vit K, and about 10% for Mn, P, and Zn.

Mung beans sprouts

Because mung bean microgreens have long stems and the large seeds remain below where the stems are cut for harvest, it is better to sprout them in a jar. Mung bean sprouts are very nutritious and are delicious when stir-fried. They are a good source of vitamins C and A. 100g of mung bean sprouts provides about 10% of an adult's daily requirements for Vit B2, about 15% for B9 and C, about 30% for Vit K, and about 10% for Mn and P.

Chia microgreens

The seeds contain high levels of omega-3. The sprouts are a great source of antioxidants and are high in calcium and manganese and have plenty of phosphorous. 100g of chia sprouts or microgreens provides about 10% of an adult's daily requirements for Mg, Mn and P.

Radish microgreens

Radish microgreens are loaded with vitamins, and may be even more effective at preventing cancer than broccoli sprouts. 100g of radish microgreens provides about 14% of an adult's daily requirements for Vit B6, about 24% for B9, almost 50% for C, and about 10% for Mg, Mn and P.

Red cabbage microgreens

Red cabbage microgreens look very much like radish microgreens and have very high concentrations of Vitamin C, E and K. They have up to 40 times more vitamin E and 6 times more vitamin C than mature red cabbage.

Watercress microgreens

Watercress is particularly rich in vitamin K. It also contains significant amounts of vitamin A, C, riboflavin, B6, calcium, manganese, and fo- late. 100g of watercress microgreens provides about 20% of an adult's daily requirements for Vit A, about 10% for B2 and B6, over 50% for C, about 240% for vit K and about 10% for Ca, Mg, Mn and P.

Flax, Chia and Cannabis

Because flax, chia and cannabis seeds are so rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids that are scarce in modern diets, it is best to eat them as sprouts that have their seeds attached.

Sprouting cannabis seeds takes longer than sprouting other seeds but it is well worth the wait. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, providing all the essential amino acids required to maintain health, and to make human serum albumin and the immune enhancing gamma globulins. Flax seeds also contain all the essential amino acids as do many other seeds in the plant kingdom. What is unique about cannabis seed protein is that 65% of it, the highest in the plant kingdom, is globulin.

Globulin, the third most abundant protein in the human body, performs many enzymatic functions to take place within the blood plasma itself. The body uses globulin proteins to make antibodies against invading foreign substances. They haul materials needed for growth and comprise the body's first line of defense against disease and infection. If the globulin protein starting material is in short supply the army of antibodies may be too small to prevent the symptoms of sickness from setting in. The best way to insure the body's ability to resist and recover from illness is to ensure that it has enough amino acid material to make the globulins it needs to do that. The best way to insure that the body has a good supply of globulins is to eat foods high in globulin proteins. Eating cannabis seeds will insure the immune system has the reservoir of immunoglobulin resources needed to make disease destroying antibodies. The best way to eat the seeds ensuring the best absorption of the nutrients it provides is to sprout them.

Cannabis flowers housing the seeds have a sticky resin that hold on to fertilizing pollen. The resin has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal treatment for nausea, insomnia, glaucoma, asthma and pain. Letting the sprout grow into mature seed producing plants and eating their resin covered fruit filled with seeds causes a rush of blood to flush out your brain making you feel as if you were a sprout.
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